10 Foods Not to Be Refrigerated

June 6, 2014 ,

The next time you get home from shopping, think twice before putting all your groceries in the refrigerator, because some foods don’t like the cold at all.


Here’s the list:

1. Tomatoes

When you keep tomatoes in the fridge, the membranes of the cell walls get damaged, usually creating a soft and mealy texture. The best place to store tomatoes is on the counter, away from sunlight, with the stem pointing upwards to minimize bruising.

2. Basil

It pairs well with tomatoes and reacts similarly to the cold, meaning it’ll wilt prematurely. It should be kept in a glass of water like a bunch of flowers, away from the sun. If you’ve bought too much of it, make a pesto.

3. Potatoes and sweet potatoes

The cold temperature converts starch into sugar. This results in a strange sweetness, dull colour and an unpleasantly grainy texture when they are cooked. They should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place. And preferably in paper bags (plastic traps moisture and speeds up decomposition).

4. Garlic

Cloves germinate in the fridge. They’ll ‘breathe’ better in a cool, dry and vented container.

5. Onions

Onions become soft due to moisture in the fridge and their smell also tends to invade other items kept nearby. So it’s best to store onions in a dry place, but away from potatoes, otherwise they’ll both spoil quickly.

6. Bananas

Most people keep this fruit out on the counter. This is mainly because bananas turn black in the cold, but they do remain good to eat.

7. Stone fruits

Peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums and avocados should ripen at room temperature and not be refrigerated. In case they are ripe and you can’t eat them right away, you can keep them in the crisper in the fridge for a few more days.

8. Oils

They will become thicker and cloudy in the fridge, although these problems will disappear once you take them out. Except for nut oils (which can turn rancid very quickly and should be refrigerated), oils should be kept in the pantry.

9. Coffee

Coffee loses its flavour in the fridge and absorbs other odours. It should be kept in an airtight container in the pantry or freezer.

10. Bread

Bread loses its moisture faster in the fridge. It’s best to keep what you’re going to eat in the next few days on the counter, and freeze the rest.


Cinzia Cuneo
Cinzia Cuneo, founder of SOSCuisine.com, never wanted to neglect the quality of her food. She shares her special expertise to make good food quickly and without complications!

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