Updated: 2020-01-16
Aside from the comment on cauliflower’s price at $ 7.49/ea, this article originally published in January 2016 is unfortunately still current, since the prices of vegetables and fruits always soar at the beginning of the year. In fact, researchers from Dalhousie and Guelph universities, in the 10th edition of their annual food price report, published last December, had forecast for 2020 an average price increase of 2% to 4%, therefore greater then inflation. As a result, in 2020 an average family could spend about $ 500 more on their groceries compared to 2019.
The good news is that the savings tips suggested in this article will help you offset this increase and even save you a lot of money.
Original post
Since the beginning of the year, the image of a cauliflower on sale at $7.49 has been setting the Internet ablaze. Unfortunately, a record low Canadian dollar means that imports are costing us more. Ironic, when compared with the rest of the world where the prices of major food items have fallen 20%, according to a recently released report by FAO (the UN Food and Agriculture Organization). Consumers in Canada will find this hard to stomach, but with a little planning, we can still manage to eat all the servings of fruits and vegetables recommended by Canada’s Food Guide.
It’s not only local products that are affordable, for even strawberries, mangoes and melons are often a great buy. Here’s a list of reasonably priced products:
Among vegetables: beets, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, potatoes, romaine lettuce, rutabagas, squash, turnips.
Among fruits: apples, bananas, cranberries, cantaloupe, clementines, grapefruit, mangoes, oranges.
Very helpful one. Thanks for sharing.