Among the enzymes that can make up supplements we can find:
Before consuming enzymes, it is important to know the cause(s) of your digestive discomfort in order to determine if taking an enzyme will be useful and, if so, it will be necessary to define the enzyme(s) most appropriate to your personal situation.
In effect, enzyme supplements may be necessary when suffering from a particular pathology as is the case of people with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (IPE) who must take pancrelipase at each meal in order to provide the body with the enzymes required to break down fats and proteins.
They may also be necessary for those who suffer from food intolerance such as fructose or lactose intolerance. Note that lactase supplementation does not always remove 100% of the lactose from the foods so if you suffer from a high sensitivity to lactose, it would be better to avoid products containing lactose altogether or to choose products labeled as “lactose-free”.
Many people, because they experience digestive disorders, decide to take supplemental enzymes. Be wary of this practice because it could be that, in addition to not helping regulate the source of your pain, it can also make the intestine lazy.
In addition, the digestive enzymes formulas differ greatly in terms of the types of enzymes they contain, as well as their source and dosage. This is why it is good to investigate the causes of your pain with your doctor and dietician before opting for a product, as they can help you to evaluate its usefulness, as well as to find which enzymes are best adapted to your situation.
Note that to be effective, enzymes must be taken just before consuming a food containing the elements you do not digest. To make sure you are using them in the right way refer to the dosage written on the supplement box. In addition, an enzymes’ effectiveness does not extend beyond the time it is taken. It is therefore necessary to take it whenever you want to consume a food that is not tolerated. On the other hand, it is useless to consume it for a meal that does not contain the poorly digested elements.
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