Category: Health and Nutrition

5 Diet Tips to Avoid Acid Reflux

November 15, 2017 No Comments

According to statistics, up to 25% of people suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The symptoms can be varied, but in most cases, this means heartburn.

6 Steps for Preventing Muscular Cramps During Exercise

October 31, 2017 No Comments

Is there anything worse than getting a muscular cramp or stich in your side during training? While you might have heard that muscular cramps are due to dehydration or a lack of electrolytes, this theory is increasingly put in doubt, and it seems that there are other factors at play. An increasing number of studies […]

women health

5 Tips: Eating Well for Women’s Health

October 30, 2017 1 Comment

Eating well is vital for everyone. Women have particular needs depending what stage of life they are in. Here are 5 tips.

Will Fasting Improve My Sports Performance?

October 26, 2017 No Comments

Fasting has been practiced for centuries, whether for religious or spiritual reasons. Yet, it is only recently that it has become a popular topic for those wanting to lose weight or improve their overall health. In 2012, journalists Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer published their book The Fast Diet in which they detail their new dieting […]

Stomach Ache in Children and a Low-FODMAP Diet

October 23, 2017 No Comments

We’ve often talked about FODMAPs* in the last two years on our blog (for example here, here and here). One topic we’ve never touched on? Low-FODMAP diet for children who suffer from functional digestive issues (stomach ache, diarrhea, constipation, gas, etc.). I’m going to make the most of a recent article on this topic published […]

Movember : Month of the Moustache

October 13, 2017 No Comments

For the last few years, some men grow their moustache in November. Do you know why?

How to Avoid Stomach Ache Before and During a Race

October 9, 2017 No Comments

Autumn is marathon season for many runners. After months of training, there will be just one step left before the gun fires: The line-up in front of the many (we hope) porta-loos. Did you know that 30 to 50% of endurance athletes suffer from gastro-intestinal symptoms? Stress combined with maximum effort often make the symptoms […]

Caffeine and Sports Performance

October 5, 2017 No Comments

What if I told you there was a sport enhancing drug that’s legal, cheap, and easy to get, and chances are, you’re already taking it. Yes, it exists and it’s called caffeine.

4 Questions for a Sports Dietitian (Part 2)

September 26, 2017 No Comments

We asked our people on Facebook if they have any question to ask a Sports Dietitian. Here are the most interesting questions with answers by Kathryn Adel, Sports Dietitian. To read part 1, click here.

4 Questions for a Sports Dietitian (Part 1)

September 26, 2017 No Comments

We asked our people on Facebook if they have any question for a Sports Dietitian. Here are the most interesting ones with answers by Kathryn Adel, Sports Dietitian. To read part 2, click here.

3 tips to keep you hydrated during the Montreal half-marathon

September 22, 2017 No Comments

It’s going to be hot at the Montreal half marathon this week-end. Be aware runners of the risk of dehydration and heat exhaustion! To be able to run at your best this Sunday, us, Sports Dietitians, advise you to do those 3 things.

tips active families cover

3 Tips to Help Active Families Get Organized in the Kitchen

September 21, 2017 No Comments

Before launching our new Sport and Active Families meal plans, we asked our Facebook members how they reconcile their diets and their active lifestyles. We’ve already shared the two biggest challenges in another article. Now it’s time to look at some tips and solutions.

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