Category: What’s Cooking?
‘Cook for kids’ menus
Meals that kids enjoy: This is what every parent dreams of. No more arguments, tears, pulling faces or vegetables shoved to the edge of the plate. “Impossible, unless we give in to junk food or monotony” did you say? And yet, we can combine good food with pleasure and comfort, even among young children. It […]
Creative plates
Human creativity has always fascinated me. The stop-motion animated videos that photographer-graphic designer Daniela di Rienzo has created around typical Italian dishes are a real feast for the eyes.
A terrace, health food store and farmer’s market: “C’est la vie”
I would like to share a wonderful discovery: the new health food store C’est la vie at 5329, avenue du Parc, Montreal. As I walked along avenue du Parc on Saturday morning, my eyes were drawn to Cadet Roussel farm’s organic fruit and vegetable market on the terrace in front of this store. The ambiance […]
Changing your eating habits requires constant efforts and it often gives rise to doubts and questions. That’s why in March 2013, we launched our VIP Personal Dietitian service, which provides our members with personalized support from a dietitian-nutritionist for a 3-month period, all offered via telephone and/or Internet. After a thorough preliminary assessment of the client’s […]
5 Lunch Salad Recipes for Busy People
What you eat has a direct impact on your productivity. Indeed, when your batteries are fully charged, your concentration will be optimal and you will be less prone to snacking… In this article, I am proposing five main course salads that cost less than $ 2.50 per serving. Plus, all can be made ahead of […]
Summer Food Safety
Summer is here, and more people are cooking outside to take advantage of the sunshine and the warm temperatures. But the hot, humid weather, coupled with more difficult access to refrigeration or washing facilities, creates the perfect conditions for the rapid growth of bacteria on food.
Everybody wants to eat Italian!
It is well known that Italians can turn a national tragedy into laughter. Indeed, the humiliating elimination of the national team from the FIFA world cup, last Tuesday, was gleefully lampooned by advertising strategists of 2 famous Italian brands. Eataly, a food emporium with outlets both in Italy and abroad, has placed a full page […]
8 Things Nutrition Experts Wish You Would Stop Saying About Food
Sarah Klein, Health and Fitness Editor at The huffington Post, has asked nutrition experts to identify the 8 healthy eating concepts most commonly misused. Her intention was to help clear up some of the confusion we all experience amid constantly evolving research and clever food marketing. Here are eight of the worst offenders:
The 7 main principles of the Mediterranean diet
Over the last fifty years or so, there has been growing scientific data on the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet to prevent heart attacks, strokes as well as diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer-type dementia and even depression. Here are the 7 main features of this diet, which is usually represented graphically by a pyramid:
How to Maintain a Vegetarian Diet
Here’s a second capsule dedicated to all those who have opted for vegetarianism. In Canada, one in 20 have. Although proteins and nutrients can be readily obtained from sources other than meat, vegetarians should be careful, because if they are not properly informed or monitored, they may have deficiencies with long-term implications on their health.
Urban bees
Surprisingly, bees love cities and their “urban” honey is gaining popularity. And yes, these insects that are so vital for pollinating different plant species are gradually disappearing from the countryside but seem to be finding new “pollen-gathering” territories in the cities. Ever since the installation of the first urban beehive on the roof of Opera […]
Robots to replace the bees?
In case you haven’t seen it yet, I suggest you check out the latest hard-hitting campaign video of Greenpeace, the environmental organization. To get us to react against the decline of bees, they’ve imagined what agriculture might look like if pollinators were to disappear. Surprisingly, this bit of misleading advertising is not so far removed […]