Category: What’s Cooking?
World Menopause Day
Did you know? Today is World Menopause Day! World Menopause Day actually began in 1984, and was instituted by the World Health Organization and the International Menopause Society, to raise awareness, encourage education, and draw attention to the research and health information available on the subject of menopause. During this period of life, the woman’s […]
Testimonial from Denis, who feels like singing again
We often receive positive feedback from our members. This one comes from Denis, who is on a mission to help his family and friends to improve their health through better eating. Exactly as he did himself, thanks to the menus against chronic inflammation. We spoke on the phone about 2 months ago, when he bought […]
World Food Day
World Food Day is celebrated each year on October 16th in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945. Its goal is to raise awareness of the issues behind poverty and hunger. The World Food Day theme for 2013 is “Sustainable Food Systems […]
Medicinal plants night-time market in Bogotá
In Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, in the district of Los Martires, there is a very special market. Two nights a week, Monday and Thursday from 10 pm until late at night, some 400 farmers from around the country gather in Samper Mendoza market to sell their herbs.
SOSCuisine on Pinterest
Do you know Pinterest? It’s a social network that allows users to create, manage, and share their image-collections. Users can save their images, add a caption and categorize them on different boards and also follow other users’ boards if they have similar tastes or interests. All of our recipes can now be easily pinned on […]
Food art on the plate
Some parents do incredible things to stimulate the taste buds of their kids. Food art is a great way to get them interested. If you wish to serve your kids some truly unusual meals, you may get inspired by the amazing work of Samantha Lee, parent and designer. She creates some awesome and colourful plates […]
Trendy Ramen Burger
Have you already heard about the “Ramen Burger? It is the latest decadent food sensation in New York City – a grilled hamburger that has two fried discs of ramen noodles as a bun and is served with a “secret sauce,” arugula and scallions.
Special offer for the World Vegetarian Day
World Vegetarian Day is celebrated every year on October 1st. It’s purpose is to promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism. Established by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977, this event has been endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978. The date has been chosen because it is the eve of Mahatma […]
Food and nutrition myth about tea
MYTH: Drinking tea causes dehydration THE TRUTH: It’s a popular belief that tea is dehydrating because it has caffeine, but the level of caffeine you get from drinking moderate amounts of tea, even strong tea, doesn’t dehydrate you. Tea is actually 99.5 percent water and counts towards your fluid intake for the day, so it […]
The taste of cutlery
How we experience food is a multisensory experience involving taste, feel of the food in our mouths, aroma, and the feasting of our eyes. A new study published in the journal Flavour by University of Oxford researchers suggests that the colour, weight and type of silverware we eat with can affect our taste perception.
Are you a “food addict?”
A new research from Newfoundland’s Memorial University suggests that one in 20 Canadians is a “food addict”, as determined by the Yale Food Addiction Scale. The Yale Food Addiction Scale consists of 27 statements describing eating habits such as: “I eat to the point where I feel physically ill,” and “I find myself constantly eating […]
Taming the Octopus
Octopuses are molluscs with eight tentacles bearing suction cups, and they live in shallow waters in temperate zones around the world. A mysterious and strange looking animal, the octopus has always fascinated man, who gave it a superhuman size and powers.