Category: What’s Cooking?

The best pesto in the world!

August 6, 2013 No Comments

In each of our lives, there is always some food that is extra special to us for purely sentimental reasons. For me, born as I was in Liguria, a coastal region of north-western Italy that borders the Mediterranean Sea, it is pesto (which explains the very name of this “Pestoblog”) AUTHENTIC pesto is a creamy sauce […]

A complimentary Italian family…

August 5, 2013 No Comments

Apparently, every new FIAT 500L comes with a complimentary Italian family in the backseat. Needs no introduction: sheer genius. Enjoy:

Taste Little Italy’s terrasses!

August 3, 2013 No Comments

Did you know that there is an aromatic herbs path that goes through 16 terrasses of Little Italy? In order to highlight the important role played by the aromatic herbs in this neighbourhood’s culture, each restaurant and café in Little Italy will have pots containing a particular aromatic herb. Each restaurant and café will offer […]

Royal Baby … on pizza

July 30, 2013 2 Comments

After Queen Elizabeth, George Clooney, Robbie Williams, Sofia Loren and hundreds of celebrities, it’s now the turn of the Royal Baby to be portrayed with his parents on one of Domenico Crolla’s “pizza art piece”.

An army of bees makes whisky sweeter

July 30, 2013 No Comments

To promote the launch of its “Highlander Honey”, Scotch whisky maker Dewar’s got together with a sculptor/engineer and a beekeeper, and placed 80,000 bees inside a bottle-shaped vessel that mimicked their normal hive setup. After six weeks, the bees had formed a natural honeycomb sculpture inside, in a back-to-nature “3-B” process 😉 and the distiller […]

Canadian bars join Russian vodka boycott

July 29, 2013 No Comments

Last week, writer and LGBT activist Dan Savage, published a blog post encouraging the public to ‘Dump Russian Vodka’ in order to “show solidarity with Russian queers and their allies and to help to draw international attention to the persecution of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, trans people, and straight allies in Putin’s increasingly fascistic Russia”.


Chill out with a frozen drink

July 19, 2013 No Comments

Frozen drinks with crushed ice are an extremely delicious way to beat the summer heat and they come in many forms such as slush, granita, frappé, etc. Refreshing and colourful, they are a huge hit with youngsters, but beware, because their nutritional profile is not very flattering… These drinks almost always consist of sweetened water, […]

In the world of ice creams and frozen desserts

July 15, 2013 No Comments

In the frozen food aisle, how do you choose from among the huge variety of milk, sorbets, desserts and other treats that look like ice cream? To make the right choices for your health and taste buds, you first need the right information. Did you know that for a product to be called ‘ice cream’ […]

President Obama (says he) loves broccoli

July 12, 2013 No Comments

Broccoli growers have found their new “poster boy”: President Obama has at long last revealed his favorite food — broccoli. At least, that’s the answer he gave a kid guest at the second annual “Kids’ State Dinner” that first lady Michelle Obama organized to promote healthy eating. Skeptics immediately reacted noting that the president is […]

voir l'etiquete, see label

What does 200 Calories look like?

July 8, 2013 No Comments

Some foods have significantly more Calories than others but what does the difference actually look like? Browsing through the web, I found a very enligthning video from ASAP Science that features 200 calorie servings of all your favourite foods, from apples to Big Macs, from wine to pizza.

Worried about diabetes? Walk after every meal

July 3, 2013 No Comments

Going for a brisk walk after every meal may be an effective means of keeping diabetes at bay in older adults, a new study suggests. Earlier research has indicated that maintaining a healthy weight and getting regular exercise can help to prevent diabetes in people who are prone to the condition. But the article published […]

Discover Swiss chard

June 29, 2013 No Comments

In Canada, locally grown Swiss chard can be found in supermarkets from the month of June until the end of Summer. Though we are not very familiar with this leafy green vegetable, it is very popular in Mediterranean cuisine. It is well worth discovering because of its taste, nutritional value and the fact that it […]

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