Category: What’s Cooking?

sirop d'érable


March 11, 2010 No Comments

Sugar shack season is almost here. Between the months of March and April, the snow is still on the ground, but it’s warm during the day. It is during this time that maple sap is harvested and concentrated to give us that delicious product called maple syrup. So let’s make the most of spring and […]

We are getting bigger and stronger (hopefully ;-)

February 25, 2010 No Comments

Yesterday, we migrated the website over to more powerful servers, to avoid the slow-downs during peak traffic. We think we’ve solved pretty much all issues, but Murphy’s law being what it is, there may still be some residual ones. Should you stumble upon one, please let us know, and we’ll fix it asap!

Two prices, one single product

February 22, 2010 No Comments

‘Did these strawberries arrive by air or by boat?’ ‘Is this packaging recyclable?’ Do you ask these types of questions each time you visit the grocery store? If so, then you’re in luck, because the Europeans may have just found a solution to these questions that go unanswered all too often.

Where can we buy spices?

February 15, 2010 2 Comments

Question sent by a member: Where can I buy cardamom pods? It would be great if we could get this kind of information when there are recipes with ingredients that are not known to the general public… Sometimes, on SOSCuisine, there are some recipes with these types of ingredients… Would it be possible to tell […]

Richard Béliveau says our work is “remarkable”

February 9, 2010 No Comments

Have you heard of Dr. Richard Béliveau? A highly skilled researcher in the field of cancer, he is currently the chair at the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer centre at UQAM (University of Quebec in Montreal), but he also has several other responsibilities.

Bring on the “Jardin Mobile” menu!

January 15, 2010 No Comments

It’s finally here: On January 12, we posted the first “Jardin Mobile” menu online. In partnership with the chain of 20 super-fruit and vegetable stores of the same name, Jardin Mobile serves the metropolitan region of Quebec.


Lick your lips for just 1 Euro!

December 26, 2009 10 Comments

I have simply got to share with you the most fabulous discovery that I have made since my arrival in Italy: the raw milk vending machine! Newly arrived from a country where vending machines are the realm of empty calories and where raw milk cheeses are a delicate subject, I was absolutely stunned to see […]

Let’s celebrate by eating locally!

December 8, 2009 No Comments

‘Terra Madre’ Day will be celebrated for the very first time on December 10, 2009. To mark this occasion, you are invited to organize an activity that encourages and supports local food products. Even as I write this, more than 800 events are already being planned in more than 100 countries.

We’re hiring – And we need your help

November 26, 2009 No Comments

We’re growing and we need to hire. What better place to start than right here, asking our user community – that is, YOU – for help in finding good candidates. Currently, we have these two high-level openings: Technical Director / CTO Web Developer Virtuoso Do you know some bright techie yourself? Can you ask your […]

Voyage to the centre of the taste bud

November 23, 2009 No Comments

What motivates students from around the world to come and study at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) in Pollenzo, a small Italian village of approximately 750 inhabitants? First of all, the absolutely innovative concept! Here at last, is a university that offers courses on gastronomic studies. The bilingual instruction – in English and in […]

Barley, the cereal of gladiators

November 14, 2009 No Comments

Barley, which belongs to the same family as wheat and oats, is the oldest cultivated cereal crop. In ancient times, barley was considered to be the symbol of strength and military valour, to such an extent that gladiators were known as hordearii, or “barley-eaters”.

Eat-in – a new tradition

November 6, 2009 1 Comment

How do you start off a year at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) ? With an Eat-In of course, full of good food and great cooking! So what exactly is an Eat-in? This wonderfully new concept, which has just celebrated its first birthday was launched by the Youth Food Movement in San Francisco.

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