Category: What’s Cooking?

Notre collaboratrice en Italie

November 5, 2009 9 Comments

Après avoir travaillé dans les coulisses de durant tout l’été, me voilà maintenant prête à commencer un baccalauréat à l’Université des Sciences Gastronomiques (UNISG), située à Pollenzo, dans le Nord-Ouest de l’Italie.

Our collaborator in Italy

November 5, 2009 No Comments

After having worked behind the scenes of during the summer, I’m all set to start an undergraduate programme at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG), situated in Pollenzo in northwest Italy.

osteoporose osteoporosis word cloud

November: osteoporosis awareness month

November 4, 2009 No Comments

When we launched the “bone-healthy” menus last September, many people asked me “why?” I feel that this is the ideal time to answer that question, since November is the month for osteoporosis awareness, a disease that strikes without warning and which should certainly not be ignored.

SOS Tips: Freezing Foods

October 13, 2009 2 Comments

We are often a little lost when it comes to freezing and defrosting dishes. There are however, certain basic principles that will help you preserve the flavour and freshness of food.

Video: Freezing Foods

October 13, 2009 No Comments

Cinzia did her seventh report on the popular French TV program Par-dessus le marché. This time around, Cinzia shares her tips about freezing food the smart way. Watch the video (in French).

Share your tips: stocking up for winter

September 30, 2009 1 Comment

It’s harvest time. Do you have a tradition of preparing preserves or stocking up your freezer?

Did you know that #3

September 23, 2009 No Comments

For every Canadian apple that is exported, 5 are imported!

corn cob épi maïs

SOS Tips: How to Cook Corn on the Cob

September 2, 2009 No Comments

There are several ways to cook corn. For colour and texture I prefer the microwave, but you will find here my tricks for the other methods as well:

Did you know that #2

August 31, 2009 No Comments

In 40 years, Canadian red meat imports have risen 600%.

An 18th-Century Public Market in Montreal

August 26, 2009 No Comments

Happening in Montreal’s Old Port, this market gives you the opportunity to discover local farmers, craftspeople, and entertainers as they existed in 1750, at the time of Montreal’s very first public marketplace.

Did you know that?

August 17, 2009 2 Comments

In Canada, we import more than 53% of our vegetables and almost all of our fruits!

SOS Tips: How to Store Fresh Herbs

August 11, 2009 No Comments

Storing in the Fridge If you are not going to use fresh herbs immediately after buying them, you should put them in the fridge. Simply wrap them in a moist paper towel and put them in a plastic bag (like a Ziploc). They should keep for about a week.

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