Managing an active life and a healthy diet isn’t always easy. Between the children’s afterschool clubs, competitions and end of week activities, there’s little time left to prepare healthy balanced meals for your family.
On our Facebook page, we asked our members what their biggest challenge was when it came to reconciling diet and an active life. And we asked them to share their best tips and tricks.
We’ve already received several responses. When it comes to challenges, here are the principle obstacles to a healthy diet:
Practicing a sport requires plenty of time and organization. When you’re a parent whose children all practice different sports, your schedule becomes even more complicated to organize. It’s even difficult to find time just to eat. That’s actually what Sarah Latendresse shared in her response:
“My biggest challenge to reconciling a healthy diet and active lifestyle is reconciling meal times and the activities of my eldest, who plays hockey. It isn’t rare that his practice runs from 17h to 18h or from 18h to 19h. What complicates things more is that he needs to be at the arena at least half an hour before to get ready. Result: either we eat at around 19:15 (which poses a problem with homework and bed time), or we eat at 16h, or 18:15. It’s far from simple. As autumn approaches it’s all rush because I have to take the eldest to hockey (my partner arriving from work at 17:15) and make sure the dinner is ready.”
Do you recognise yourself in this situation?
Every child has their own tastes, and each their own aversions. With several children to feed, food preparation quickly becomes a headache. Isabelle Desmarchais shares her experience: “I need to keep everyone happy and I have difficult little ones, so meal preparation time is often long and I’m out of ideas.” This is a challenge most active families struggle with!
What is your biggest challenge when it comes to reconciling your active life and your diet?
In the next article, you’ll discover top tips suggested by our Facebook members.
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