In our last common allergies article, we covered peanuts, wheat, and milk. In this article, we’ll look at three more common allergies that are a little less obvious: mustard, eggs, and soy.
Most people are familiar with mustard in the form of a condiment, usually yellow mustard or Dijon. These are actually made from mustard seeds, which of course are the seeds of the mustard plant, which belongs to the cabbage family. It’s a popular ingredient in many forms thanks to its strong flavour, colour, and because it can be used to emulsify soups and sauces.
As always, check the label. Luckily mustard isn’t as sneaky as some of our previous entries, and it will be clearly labelled. However, even if you don’t think a product does have mustard in it, it is important to check. Be especially vigilant with products like salad dressings and prepared sauces. Mustard is a natural emulsifier. It’s also used for colour. The seeds and powder are also often used in pickling brine and prepared seasonings.
Unfortunately, while in Canada mustard must be labelled as mustard (say that three times fast!), imported foods might be hiding it under the guise of “spice.” This means that international and imported spice blends, while being authentic and delicious, might lead to an allergic reaction. Preparing your own spice blends is easy and can actually come out to be less expensive in the long run if you buy in bulk. It’s also a sure way to avoid any unwanted cross contamination.
Since mustard is often used in savoury processed foods, buying fresh food and cooking it yourself is a sure way to know exactly what you’re eating. By subscribing to our Premium Meal Plans, you can always be sure that you’re meal is safe to eat.
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