Today May 17th is World Hypertension Day. You may already know that hypertension is by far the largest risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney diseases. But maybe you didn’t know that it is also a major cause of erection problems.
A study published in 2000 in the Journal of Urology showed that 68% of men with high blood pressure suffered from erectile dysfunction, considered severe for 45% of them.
High blood pressure keeps the arteries that carry blood into the penis from dilating the way they’re supposed to. It also makes the smooth muscle in the penis lose its ability to relax. As a result, not enough blood flows into the penis to make it erect.
As if this were not bad enough, men with high blood pressure may also have a low testosterone level. Testosterone is the male hormone that plays a big role in sexual arousal.
You’re a woman and think you’re not at risk ? Not so. Hypertension can lead to painful or uncomfortable intercourse, difficulty having an orgasm in women, and lack of desire in both sexes.
SOSCuisine can help you out. Check out our Heart-Healthy meal plans, specifically designed to meet the latest recommendations for hypertension. Eat well and… have fun 😉
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