Shorter days and back to school often make it difficult to get excited for the most important meal of the day, but breakfast shouldn’t be ignored. We have some great, easy breakfast recipes that are not only easy and simple to integrate into your morning routine, but full of protein to keep you going right up until lunchtime! There’s no excuse not to eat healthy now. Here are our top 10 easy breakfasts to start your day off on the right foot!
Our first recipe might be cheating a little because you can make it in advance. Either make your batter the night before, or fry up your pancakes and reheat them in the morning for a quick, easy breakfast. They’re great with smoked salmon, but you can try any toppings you like! Here in Quebec, we like to eat them with cheese curd. Yummy!
How’s this for a quick and easy breakfast? Prep time 2 minutes and cooking time 3 minutes for a 5 minute breakfast. You have no excuse, especially when these pancakes are so delicious. Plus, they’re gluten-free and served with tons of fruit. It’s also a complete breakfast in a single recipe to start your day off right!
If you really have no time in the morning, prepared healthy baked goods are great options. These are not only full of vitamins and nutrients, they’re only 190 calories per serving, making them great for an on the go snack. Serve with fruit and a glass of milk, and you’re done.
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