We find them in nearly all world cuisines, but for people who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, onions risk causing unpleasant symptoms. They contain high quantities of fructans (a type of FODMAP), hence the symptoms.
If onions aren’t a problem for you, continue eating them as they contain a variety of beneficial nutrients such as inulin, which is a prebiotic.
Similarly to soft drinks, chewing gum causes air to enter the stomach… which is obviously not ideal if you suffer from bloating.
To reduce bloating associated with mastication, simply avoid chewing gum, or at least cut down your consumption.
I’m cheating a bit, my last food isn’t really a food 😉
If you’re used to eating very big meals, it’s no surprise you experience bloating! Try instead to eat smaller portions, more often throughout the day, your stomach will thank you.
What do you think of these Top 10? Do you have other foods or food groups that cause you problems? Don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments section!
Really interesting. I’ve been feeling uncomfortable for several days and decided to eliminate some foods I’ve been eating lots of. As a gardener I often eat a handful of dried fruit to keep up my energy levels. Already, after less than a day I feel so much better. I also suspect I’ve been eating too much generally.
Thank you for your informative website.
Thanks for the info. I’ve just started to eat dried apricots and prunes to increase my iron level. Not putting it all together, I’ve been having THE WORST bloating and discomfort. I researched it today and found out why. Well, the dried prunes and apricots are now trash and I’m feeling much better now.😁