Comments on: What’s the difference between bell peppers and chili peppers? Eating well made easy Sun, 15 Nov 2020 17:10:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Sun, 15 Nov 2020 17:10:41 +0000 In reply to Lindsay M.

It is so nice to hear that there are others with the same issue. Same problem here: I’m very allergic to Bell peppers, green worse than red. Just the fumes makes my eyes water, my nose run, and my breathing become labored. It gets much worse if I actually consume any. I can also detect even the slightest bit. I find the taste is absolutely, almost indescribably, disgusting and completely overpowers and ruins the taste of anything they are in; rather a good thing as I can detect it easily and in the rare case I don’t detect it by smell or watery eyes and put it in my mouth, I taste it and spit it out immediately without actually eating any. They are—for some unfathomable reason giving their absolutely disgusting and overpowering taste—so often put in so many things too. I have absolutely no problem with other peppers or nightshades (though jalapeños taste bad to me and give me major burping issues).>

By: Shane Murphy Fri, 26 Apr 2019 09:15:58 +0000 Ear all peppers bell super hot and of course all tomatoes, No adverse effects. Love the super hot can eat any thai or sri lamkan hotter than the locals. But please take my advice not more than a pinhead of 1,000,000+ ( I have a 4,000,000 million) or you will weep, handle with gloves! ( I have ! And never touch your lips eyelides or crotch afcter handling……. I did) ouch

By: Sandra Sat, 13 Apr 2019 13:35:25 +0000 At Last! No one believes me when I say Bell Peppers make me really ill but I can eat Chillies, Tomatoes and Potatoes with no problems (apart from antagonizing my arthritis)
It is great to know I am not alone in this Unfortunately they seem to be appearing in more and more foods.

By: Marilyn Fri, 26 Oct 2018 19:32:29 +0000 [email protected]

I am terribly allergic to red, green, yellow bell peppers!! The smell of them make me break out into hives. If my husband has eaten them and kisses me, I break out into hives.
I can enjoy tomatoes and chilli peppers…but Bells are Hell for me!!!

By: Mary C Sun, 09 Sep 2018 21:45:08 +0000 I too have trouble with bell peppers, but otherwise love hot peppers of every kind. Even the smallest amount, thoroughly cooked etc. will cause terrible indigestion. I actually like the smell but just can’t seem to tolerate them. I am glad to know this is not unknown, because until now I have never seen this documented. I will try to get the courage up to try the skinless method, but i’m a bit sceptical.

By: James Tue, 01 Aug 2017 11:02:36 +0000 In reply to vanessa.

> Sorry grandma, it may have been the spiciest when you were a kid but not anymore. That title goes to the “Dragon’s Breath Chili” which measures at 2.6 mil. Scovel. Pepper spray only measures at 2mil. Scovel just to give you an idea.

By: dawlatzai Sat, 01 Apr 2017 05:54:33 +0000 i didn,t understand the amount of the vitamine c ? in both

By: DougF Thu, 16 Mar 2017 19:40:20 +0000 I have the same issues with bell peppers, and certain paprikas. Turns out the paprika that I cannot tolerate is made from Bell Peppers (go figure) the stuff that I can is made from chillis. Took years to figure out the paprika issue as when I had paprika in Japan (a lot) I had no problem, but here in the states I did and through researching I found there were differences in paprika from around the world so I have to read the ingrediant label on paprika and if it does not say what is in it or bell pepper I now avoid it. Unfortunately limits what I can eat at restaurants. 🙁 and many foods just list ‘spices’ so have to take my chances. At least generally I can taste the bell flavor and can avoid it. And I can smell a cut bell pepper as soon as I enter a room, but not chillis so there must be something in the bells that is not in the chillis.

By: Brent Burnie Sun, 26 Feb 2017 15:10:44 +0000 I feel ya all I can eat the hottest of the hott and I love them but I cannot tolerate bell peppers or jalapeño I agree though that the green does me in the worste orange or red peppers are not as hard on my tummy .. I have Google searched everything I can and nothing comes up but the skin of the pper not being ripe makes sense because I have trouble with any undigestable foods husk (corn peas ect.. ) hope this helps

By: Jill Sat, 11 Feb 2017 12:07:57 +0000 In reply to Lindsay M.

I am relieved to hear someone else is intolerant to green peppers but OK with other members of the capsicum family like chilli peppers, tomatoes and potatoes. Within 10-15 minutes of eating (by mistake) peppers I am violently sick with diahorrea and remain ill for 24 + hours. When younger I used to be able to eat peppers in any form – raw or cooked – but after my first pregnancy I noticed the problem, which has got worse over the years. So I guess something happened to my auto=immune system during pregnancy.
