Information to allow you to maximise your subscription.
With our Diabetes Meal Plans, you stack the odds in your favour. To take maximum advantage of our meal plans, take the time to read the information below.
Indeed, some fruits served for dessert are sometime sprinkled with sugar, but only in small amount to enhance their taste. Since our meal plans take into account the total amount and the distribution of sugar in the day, everything is still balanced. If you prefer to eat your fruits without any sugar, feel free to do so!
We recommend that you consult your doctor and/or a registered dietitian, that will give you the best advice in this regard.
This being said, you can choose one of the Diabetes Meal Plans, offered in three caloric levels: 1,500, 1,700 and 2,100 calories per day. To lose weight, you must choose a caloric level that is lower than your energy needs. A deficit of 500 calories per day will typically allow you to lose one pound (half a kilogram) per week, which is safe. Calculate your energy needs. If, for example, your energy requirement is 2,000 calories, choose the 1,500-calorie Meal Plans to achieve weight loss. Most of our female subscribers choose the 1,500-calorie Meal Plans, and most male subscribers choose the 1,700-calorie Meal Plans.
With regard to hypertension, the good news is that our Diabetes Meal Plans contain less than 7% saturated fat, zero trans fat, very little sodium (1,725 mg/day on average), plenty of fruits and vegetables (9 servings/day on average), fully comply with Canada’s Food Guide recommendations, and can therefore contribute to reduce your blood pressure.
Glad you asked! No worries: Your Dietitian is right and… so are we! Here’s the explanation for this apparent difference:
First, the values recommended by your Dietitian are for “net” carbs (without fibers) and refer to the main meal only. On the other hand, the Nutrition facts table for our Meal Plans show “total” carbohydrates, from which you must subtract the amount of fiber, because these do not contribute to your blood glucose. This table also presents the total carbs for the day, including your meals as well as your snacks.
Second, in order to make it easier for people to count carbs, dietitians here in Quebec focus on carbs from fruits, dairy products and grain products only. This is an approximation, as it does not include carbs from vegetables and meat and alternatives. On the other hand, our proprietary computer system calculates carbs accurately from all foods, without omitting any.
Finally, our Diabetes Meal Plans are designed to provide 50% of the energy from carbohydrates, as recommended by the Canadian Diabetes Association. By choosing our Diabetes Meal Plans with the right caloric level for you, you will be able to meet the latest dietary recommendations without having to count carbs. If your dietitian prescribes 60g of carbs, you may follow the plan at 1700kcal. If she prescribes 45g, you may follow the 1500kcal, but you will need to take one less serving of grains/day (for ex. leave out 1/2 slice of bread at lunch and 1/2 serving of rice at dinner, or leave out 1/2 cereal bowl at breakfast and 1/2 slice of bread at dinner, etc.). Be reassured, with SOSCuisine you’re in good hands!
The glycemic index of al dente pasta is relatively low. This means that they do not induce a major increase in blood sugar and they are efficient to control hunger. Often served with a source of protein such as meat, eggs, or seafood, pasta dishes are adequate for a well-balanced meal.
The most recent recommendations (references) for type 2 diabetes consist of 40 nutritional targets that must be attained day after day, in order to prevent the progression and complications of the disease. This allows for an effective control of blood glucose, blood lipids, blood pressure and body weight.
These 40 targets can be grouped as follows:
The following table shows that our type 2 diabetes Meal Plans have consistently met the nutritional recommendations since their launch, on July 29th, 2010.
IMPORTANT: The information provided on this website does not replace a medical consultation and is not intended for self diagnosis. We recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional before undertaking a change to your diet or lifestyle. See Terms & Conditions.