Asafoetida, a great spice… but stinky

April 2, 2018 2 Comments

Asafoetida is the resin of a large umbelliferous plant resembling fennel, native to Central Asia. Once very popular with the Romans, this spice is widely used in Indian cuisine, but it has fallen into disuse in the West, most likely because of its slightly rotten egg smell, which comes from the large amount of sulfur […]


Fibromyalgia: 5 Diet Tips to Cope With It

January 11, 2018 No Comments

In my previous article on fibromyalgia, I shared how a low-FODMAP diet can help manage its associated gastrointestinal symptoms. If this type of diet isn’t for you, or if you have neither stomach aches nor other functional digestive issues, I have a few other tips to help you live better with fibromyalgia. Note that these […]

How to Avoid Stomach Ache Before and During a Race

October 9, 2017 No Comments

Autumn is marathon season for many runners. After months of training, there will be just one step left before the gun fires: The line-up in front of the many (we hope) porta-loos. Did you know that 30 to 50% of endurance athletes suffer from gastro-intestinal symptoms? Stress combined with maximum effort often make the symptoms […]

TOP 10: Recipes with 5 Ingredients or Less

August 6, 2017 No Comments

Fridge nearly empty and no time to go to the supermarket? Instead of going to the restaurant (which can get expensive in the long run), you can create complete meals with very few ingredients. Here are our 10 recipes with fewer than 5 ingredients (excluding salt and pepper) that are simple, quick, and tasty.


DUX Contest: Vote for Us

December 16, 2016 No Comments

For two years, our entire team has been hard at work to bring you information on the low-FODMAP diet: we’ve published a recipe book, created customizable menus, invented low-FODMAP recipes, hosted a Facebook Support group, etc. As you can see, at SOSCuisine, helping the 5 million Canadians affected by irritable bowel syndrome is important to […]

IBS Holiday Survival Guide

December 13, 2016 1 Comment

The festive period, with its parties and family reunions is fast approaching. In principle, this time of year should be synonymous with joy and getting together. But, if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the winter holiday period can easily become unpleasant. As traditional dishes often contain onions and garlic, as well as being […]

TOP 10: Festive Christmas Recipes for an Amazing Holiday Feast

December 7, 2016 No Comments

December is finally here and that means it’s time to get into the Christmas spirit (though we’re sure lots of you have been counting the days since November). To help you along, we’ve put together some of our favourite holiday dishes and treats to tantalise and inspire you. Here are top 10 Christmas recipes for […]

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