Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Diet

November 7, 2016 No Comments

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is characterized by an excessive proliferation of bacteria in the small intestine. Normally, the majority of bacteria are found in the large intestine, or colon. However, certain conditions or illnesses can cause bacteria in the colon to migrate up the digestive system, towards the small intestine. This can cause several […]

stomach pain

Premenstrual Syndrome : Diet and Foods that Help Fight PMS

October 21, 2016 No Comments

We’ve recently received a question from one of our members about premenstrual syndrome (PMS). She wants to know whether there is a way of managing the symptoms with nutrition. Because this is definitely something that is of interest for many women, our team of nutritionists has reviewed scientific literature to bring you the latest information […]

TOP 10: Yummy Quinoa Recipes (That Aren’t Just Salads)

October 18, 2016 No Comments

Quinoa has become a popular alternative “grain” but did you know that it’s not a grain at all? It’s technically the seed of a flat-leafed plant, not a grass. However, the seeds are versatile and can be used in many different preparations as a replacement for traditional flour and grains like rice. It’s great news […]


Health on my Plate at CGI

October 17, 2016 No Comments

Photo: A few of the members of the committee responsible for the organization of the nutrition week «La santé commence… dans son assiette» in CGI Crémazie offices. “Health begins… on your plate” is the slogan for the nutrition week which took place from 18 to 22 July 2016 in the CGI Crémazie offices in Montreal. […]

TOP 10: Easy and Delicious Slow-Cooker Recipes

October 11, 2016 3 Comments

A slow cooker, also called a crock pot, is a self-heating ceramic stewing pot similar to a rice cooker. All you do is add your ingredients, set it and forget it, making the slow cooker a useful ally in the kitchen. It’s great for making stews and soups, but you can do a whole lot more […]

Expo Spécialités Alimentaires et Sans Gluten

SOSCuisine at Specialty Food & Gluten Free Expo 2016

September 14, 2016 No Comments

Does a fun, tasty, and informative event for people with food allergies or special dietary considerations pique your curiosity? Don’t miss the first edition of the Specialty Food & Gluten Free Expo on September 23rd and 24th at Place Bonaventure in Montreal.

Five Reasons to Disregard Food Sensitivity Tests

August 23, 2016 No Comments

For the past four years, I have wanted to request CBC Marketplace do an expose on the increasingly popular, “food sensitivity tests”.  These blood tests cost around $500-$700 and screen over 250 different foods to determine which foods you are “sensitive” to.  Awareness needs to be raised as millions of well-intentioned consumers are being swindled by […]

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Diets

August 15, 2016 No Comments

As promised in my last article on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), I’m going to compare the different diets you may have been recommended if you suffer from IBD: the low-FODMAP* diet, the specific carbohydrate diet, the anti-inflammatory diet for IBD, the paleo diet and the hypotoxic diet.

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