Caramel Custard

73 Reviews
94% would make this recipe again

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Preparation : 15 min Cooking : 40 min Standing : 2 h
190 calories/serving


3 eggs size large
1/3 cup sugar 65 g
2 cups milk, partly skimmed, 2% 500 mL
2 tsp vanilla extract 10 mL
salt, about one pinch
6 servings Microwaved Caramel

Before you start

Please note that this recipe makes even servings only. For odd servings, please see the corresponding recipe.


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C/350°F.
  2. Prepare the caramel in the microwave. Divide it among the ramekins, then tilt and rotate each ramekin to thinly coat it. The caramel may not initially cover bottoms and sides completely, but it will spread and even out after the hot cream mixture is poured in.
  3. In a large bowl, beat the eggs lightly with a fork. Add sugar and 1 pinch of salt, then mix well.
  4. Warm up the milk in a saucepan until hot but not boiling and pour it slowly into the egg mixture. Stir constantly but lightly, in order not to create too many air bubbles. Add the vanilla, then portion out into the caramel-covered ramekins.
  5. Put a towel or piece of cloth into a large baking-pan (either a rectangular cake-mould or a roasting pan). Place the ramekins on the cloth and fill the pan with enough hot water to reach halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
  6. Bake in the middle of the oven 35-40 min, or until the outside is set but the centre still trembles slightly when moved (the custard will continue to set as it cools). Check with a toothpick or knife to see if it is cooked through.
  7. Take the ramekins out of the water bath right away to avoid overcooking. Let cool-down and then chill a few hours in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Run a thin knife around the edges to help remove the custards, then turn upside-down onto serving plates and serve cold.

Nutrition Facts Table

per 1 serving (120 g)


% Daily Value




4 g

7 %

Saturated 1.8 g
+ Trans 0.1 g

10 %


100 mg


70 mg

3 %


33 g

11 %


0 g

0 %


33 g

Net Carbs

33 g


6 g

Vitamin A

8 %

Vitamin C

1 %


10 %


2 %


1 serving of this recipe is equivalent to :
Food Group Exchanges
Fruits 0
Milk and Alternatives ½
Meat and Alternatives ½
Other Foods 2

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73 Reviews (68 with rating only) 94% would make this recipe again
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  • I replaced oregano by rosemary and it turned out great
  • use my large pan with the copper bottom
  • leave under the grill 3 minutes instead of 1 to get a golden crust

This recipe is in the following categories

Eggs | Desserts | High Vitamin D | Bake

Top Reviews

View All Reviews
october 20, 2021 | I would make this recipe again

Big big hit with us, love it, and enjoy it!

Useful 1
Janice R.
march 04, 2024 | I would make this recipe again

I really enjoyed this custard, but not the caramel which I found bitter. I think next time I'll just make the custard with caramel Extract.

Useful 0
Judy W.
june 08, 2018 | I would make this recipe again

I initially hesitated because it looked too difficult, but it turned out great and wasn't that hard.

Useful 0

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