10 Super-Efficient Recipes for Solo Cooking

November 14, 2020 , , ,

Gluten-Free Meal Plans from SOSCuisine

#6 – Super-Quick Lentil Salad

Super-Quick Lentil Salad

Super-Quick Lentil Salad

It is handy to have quick and convenient foods in your pantry, such as canned goods, that can easily be turned into meals when you forget to go shopping.

#5 – Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate Mug Cake

Are you craving some dessert? Here is one that can be prepared in less than 10 minutes for a single person: very comforting!

See the recipe >>

#4 – Beef Stew en Papillote

Beef Stew en Papillote

Beef Stew en Papillote

A winning strategy is also to prepare large quantities of dishes that freeze well and store them in the freezer in individual portion sizes. So we put in a bit more effort on certain days and then take time off from the kitchen very often! You can easily spot these recipes at SOSCuisine.com because they have a snowflake logo.

See the recipe >>

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Cinzia Cuneo
Cinzia Cuneo, founder of SOSCuisine.com, never wanted to neglect the quality of her food. She shares her special expertise to make good food quickly and without complications!

5 comments to “10 Super-Efficient Recipes for Solo Cooking”

November 18, 2020 Doreen Vautour said:

I am 82 years old, live by myself and find it difficult to cook just for myself. I tend to rely on home cooked, frozen meals that I simply reheat in the oven or microwave. I am presently purchasing these meals from three different suppliers but to be honest I do not always enjoy them.
I recently noticed your November ad for a Solo meal cook book with tips for the left-overs. I do not care to deal with left-overs but dealing with left over salmon or other meat is more appealing especially into salads. I have been hearing from SOS for quite a while however I am not effectively involved. Using my computer is limited and I am not very efficient most of the time. on todays technology.
However for a few reasons I would like to get back to enjoying meals and hopefully inviting friends for a simple meal. I enjoyed cooking for my family for over 44 years
but for just me the ambition has gone. I am now settled into my apartment which is a five minute walk from a nice grocery store and walking there is a good outing. Fresh food is no problem.
I need a boost and some encouragement.
Doreen Vautour

Cinzia Cuneo
November 18, 2020 Cinzia Cuneo said:

Hi Doreen,
Thanks for sharing your experience. I invite you to try some of our 1000+ recipes for singles

November 19, 2020 Helen said:

Although I no longer eat meat, I remember this trick for cooking meatloaf from the time when I did. Instead of cooking one meatloaf in a loaf pan, divide the uncooked meatloaf into 4 and bake in a muffin pan. The uneaten ‘muffin meatloaves’ are easy to wrap and freeze.

Cinzia Cuneo
November 26, 2020 Cinzia Cuneo said:

Hi Helen,
Thanks for sharing.

July 17, 2024 Ariyal said:

I have never cooked any meal. Now I will follow your guide and try to make easy ham with pineapple. Hope I will make it tasty and tell you 🙂

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