To make your savvy snack fit your busy lifestyle we need to make it convenient! After all, dietitians do not leave it up to chance that there might be a healthy snack; we try our best to plan ahead. This way healthy eating is more likely to happen.
In order to make healthy options handy, try packing them the night before. You may also want to have “emergency snacks” packed in your car or office to guard against grabbing “less nutritious” alternatives.
Snacking is a powerful tool to optimize fullness between meals and preventing over-eating. Start by listening to your body to know when you need a snack. You also might find that your body doesn’t even need a snack at all, perhaps you need a nap or a walk outside! Next, choose balanced snacks to maximize fullness and be sure to make them convenient! If you are uncertain of snack portion sizes or finding yourself feeling hungry speak with your dietitian.
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