Creating a garden on your balcony is an easy, practical, rewarding and accessible project. It’s so nice to have access to fresh herbs as well as your own fruits and vegetables for cooking. Even if you don’t have access to land, it’s possible to design a lush and diverse garden. Follow these tips to start your own small garden on your balcony!
Herbs are a classic choice because they are easy to maintain and do not require much space. Perfect for a balcony! Grow chives, basil, dill, oregano, thyme, etc. Your summer salads will be fragrant and tasty. As for vegetables, peas and beans are convenient for a balcony, as they don’t take up much space. You can also grow some mini vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant and peppers. Tomatoes and cherry tomatoes are also possible, except that they require 6 to 8 hours of sunshine per day. Try radishes, cucumbers and pickles. On the fruit side, go with strawberries, raspberries and ground cherries.
Before you embark on ideas of grandeur, first take a look at your balcony. Determine how much space you have. How long and how much sun exposure does it get during a day? It is necessary to have at least four hours of sunshine per day to grow your plants properly. Is your balcony sheltered from the wind? Can you hang some planters on it? Examine all the possibilities that are available to you in order to maximize your space.
The first important step will be to choose the right container for each plant according to the size of the roots. It is also very important to drill a hole (if there is not already one) at the bottom of your container. If you put your pots on the ground, raise them up a bit with the help of a wooden plank. You can hang your pots or use a trellis for climbing plants.
Planters can easily be installed on your balcony and they will free up more space.
Use your creativity! Collect accessories such as an old ladder or bookcase to set up your plants on varying heights.
Recycle a wooden palette and transform it into a beautiful organized vegetable garden!
Use quality soil. If you have access to compost, that’s even better! Depending on the plant, you can put mulch over the soil to prevent water from evaporating too quickly. For watering, it is recommended at the beginning of the season to water twice a week and three times a week during warmer periods.
Geotextile pots like Smart Pots are great because they allow a good aeration of the soil.
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