Japan is famous for sushi because it’s so beautiful and delicious. But there’s a lot more to Japanese food. Though the country is compact, the regions vary in both tradition and culinary delights. It has a culinary tradition that somehow manages to bring fashion and family together for amazing traditional dishes that blow you away in both flavour and aesthetics. So we have 10 easy Japanese recipes to help you discover Japanese cuisine right in your own kitchen.
Soba noodles are very popular in Japan. Made from buckwheat flour, they are rich in fiber, with a nutty flavor that goes perfectly well with the peanut sauce in this recipe. With crunchy vegetables, this salad is definitely a happy marriage of flavors.
Are you looking for a quick, easy and healthy way to prepare fish? Opt for a fatty fish and make it the Japanese way: steamed, in the pan. It will only take you about 15 minutes to complete this poached mackerel recipe. Less time than ordering sushi!
In the West, we are used to eating eggplants grilled or cooked in a stew. But did you know that steaming helps retain their melting texture even better? Try this side dish that will not leave anyone indifferent.
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