Take best advantage of your meal plan with the information below.
With our Acid Reflux / Heartburn (GERD) Meal Plans, you stack the odds in your favour. To take maximum advantage of our meal plans, take the time to read the information below.
You should consult your Doctor if you face a medical condition and it is recommended that you also consult a Registered Dietitian. Having said that, the 1,600-calorie Gastric Reflux meal plan would likely be a good choice, as it will help most people lose weight while alleviating symptoms and preventing recurrence of acid reflux.
The only recommendation to reduce acid reflux that is based on strong evidence, is to lose weight if the person with reflux is overweight or obese. This condition plays a key role in the reflux symptoms, as excess weight puts pressure on the abdomen, pushing up the stomach and causing acid to back up into the oesophagus.
For this reason, these meal plans are designed on purpose with dinners that are lighter than lunches, to facilitate weight loss. This way, you can burn most of the calories that you eat during the day, before going to bed, thus avoiding to stock up these calories as body fat.
The most recent recommendations (references) for GERD consist of 51 nutritional targets that must be attained day after day, so as to alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrence of GERD.
These 51 targets can be grouped as follows:
The following table shows that our GERD Meal Plans have consistently met the nutritional recommendations since their launch, on October 7th, 2010.
IMPORTANT: The information provided on this website does not replace a medical consultation and is not intended for self diagnosis. We recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional before undertaking a change to your diet or lifestyle. See Terms & Conditions.