Tourtiere is a classic here in Quebec. Traditionally made with meat, it’s one of the few savoury dishes we have that isn’t on the sweeter side. Whether you make it from scratch or get it from the store, it’s always a treat. Our vegetarian version is obviously different from the original, however we trust that it will please even the most opinionated carnivore.
Every home cook in Canada has a shepherd’s pie recipe in their back pocket. We all make them slightly differently, and it’s fair to say that it’s a staple. We invite you to try Cinzia’s version and see for yourself just how amazing it is. And for you Brits out there, we know it’s technically cottage pie.
Poutine is traditionally made with a brown gravy (in Quebec we love it with chicken gravy specifically, since chicken is one of our specialties), cheese curd, and long french fries. Here the french fries are a little different than you might be used to, as they come out a deep brown colour, but they’re sweet and flavourful. Our version of poutine is a little different, but a lot healthier!
Quebec has a rich culture and our cuisine has been influenced by many different traditions. What are your favourite Quebec dishes? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or in the comments below.
Happy fête nationale!
Regarding ‘Shepherds Pie’ in the UK, Shepherds Pie is traditionally made with lamb. Cottage Pie is made with beef, Corn is not usually added, that was new to me, on arrival in Canada. I have loved ALL the traditional Quebecoise recipes, very similar to ours but without the added Maple Syrup! Tapioca pudding was a favourite for school meals when I was a kid and I still make it. I love this site, thank you.
Quebec’s pate chinois, is our version of Sheperd’s pie/Achie Parmentier. And it has a major differences with English or French versions….sweet corn!