Low-Fodmap IBS Recipes

The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the gastrointestinal condition most common in the world, affecting approximately 13-20% of the population. FODMAPs are fermentable carbohydrates that are partially responsible for the symptoms in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The low-FODMAP diet is an effective method to reduce symptoms and identify problematic FODMAPs.

Discover some of our 500 IBS / LOW FODMAP Recipes

Research has shown that eating low-FODMAP is effective in 75% of cases to significantly reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. The low-FODMAP diet consists of a temporary elimination phase, followed by a re-introduction phase and a long-term maintenance phase where only the problematic foods are avoided. Our delicious low-FODMAP recipes can help you implement this method. With our low-FODMAP meal plans you will be able to follow this diet with great results and with no effort.

Tips & Advice from our Dietitians

Stress can be a trigger or worsen symptoms of IBS, therefore it is recommended to practice relaxing activities such as yoga, breathing techniques or meditation and also make regular physical activities. Concerning your food choices, keep a steady meal schedule and avoid large servings. Avoid habits that could promote aerophagia (meaning increasing the amount of air that goes into the digestive tract), like chewing gum and drinking sparkling water or soft drinks.

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