This recipe is very handy as it is prepared on a single baking pan. It’s ideal for those days when you have less energy for cooking. The sweetness of sweet potatoes, carrots and maple syrup balances well with the salty taste of chicken.
This high protein dessert is quite exquisite. It is prepared in the blink of an eye which gives you more time to savor it fully.
This recipe allows you to taste good turkey without having a large amount, and it is much faster than cooking a whole turkey. Turkey is a very nutritious meat with a high protein and vitamins content.
You can be a winner in preparing your own granola. First, you avoid the preservatives, refined sugars and fats found in commercial granola. Second, your home will be scented with an appealing smell. Thirdly, it is more economical than commercial products. Finally, it tastes much better!
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