Duck Roast with Apples

16 Reviews
93% would make this recipe again

The soy-honey basting allows for a nice coloring while enhancing the rich flavour of the duck.

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1 duck, whole 2 kg
1 carrots 100 g
1 leeks 300 g
1 stalk celery 70 g
3/4 tsp salt 4 g
1/2 tsp peppercorns 2 g
12 cups water 3 L
1/4 cup soy sauce 65 mL
1/4 cup honey 90 g
6 apples, Cortland or Lobo, peeled and quartered 1.1 kg

Before you start

Keep the serving plates warm on the stove while you're preparing the dish.


  1. Prepare the vegetables: Cut the leek into large chunks, cut the carrots and celery stalks in half. Place the vegetables and whole duck into a pot. Add cold water to cover (2-3 cm above the duck). Add peppercorns and salt (not too much, you can always add more later on). Bring to a boil, then reduce to a very gentle simmer: liquid should just bubble up to the surface. Cook, covered, for 1 h. Let the duck cool down in its broth (This step can be made a few days ahead and the duck kept aside in its broth in the refrigerator).
  2. Preheat the oven to 150°C/300°F.
  3. Take the duck out of the broth and discard the vegetables. Set aside the broth and the fat (on the surface of the broth) for use in other recipes. Peel and core the apples, then quarter them. Pour the soy sauce and honey into a small bowl then mix well. Use this mixture to baste the duck and apples, then place them on an oven-proof plate.
  4. Cook in the middle of the oven, until the duck is tender and golden-brown, about 1 h or longer depending on the size of the duck (use 30 min per kilo of meat as the cooking time). About half-way through the cooking, turn the duck and apples, then baste with the cooking juice from the plate.
  5. Serve the duck with the apples and cooking juices on the warmed serving plates.

Nutrition Facts Table

per 1 serving (290 g)


% Daily Value




11 g

16 %

Saturated 3.8 g
+ Trans 0 g

19 %


80 mg


420 mg

18 %


35 g

12 %


5 g

18 %


29 g

Net Carbs

30 g


22 g

Vitamin A

35 %

Vitamin C

4 %


3 %


23 %


1 serving of this recipe is equivalent to :
Food Group Exchanges
Fruits 1
Vegetables ½
Meat and Alternatives 2 ½
Fats 2
Other Foods 1

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16 Reviews (14 with rating only) 93% would make this recipe again
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Top Reviews

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february 10, 2012 | I would make this recipe again

Thanks to dipsticks for pointing out the discrepancy in the roasting time. The right calculation is 30 min per kilo. The recipe has been corrected.

Useful 3
february 08, 2012 | I would make this recipe again

I enjoyed the duck but I do have one complaint - which explains the four out of five stars. The English version of the recipe specifies, after boiling the duck, roasting it for one hour. However, it also says to roast it for 30 minutes per 1/2 kilo which works out to two hours. I tried the 30 minutes at 300 degrees (uncovered) and it didn't come close to producing the crispy exterior and so I bumped up the heat (we were hungry) and went somewhat longer. In any case, it was a yummy eating experience. I accompanied the meal with a bottle of Pinot Noir, brocolli and baked potatoes and used Mutsu apples.

Useful 1

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