Diet plays a key role in the control of reactive hypoglycemia (postprandial). It is even the only known treatment. Reactive hypoglycemia is caused by a sudden rise in blood sugar, followed by a drop in blood sugar accompanied by dizziness and a power down. So what to eat in hypoglycemia? Our recipes anti-hypoglycemia are designed to provide optimal glucose control and avoid the unpleasant consequences of its sudden changes.
Make sure to have a regular schedule for eating meals and snacks, even during the weekends. Take your snacks early enough (about two hours after eating) before feeling the energy down. Keep some snacks handy. Exercise and relaxation are good ways to reduce stress, which can sometimes cause hypoglycemia attacks. It is important not to skip any meals and not to fast; breakfast is very important. Drink enough, or 1 to 2 liters of liquids (including water, milk, soup, tea, coffee, juice, etc.), distributed throughout the day.