Stuffed Sole Fillets with Lime Sauce

90 Reviews
88% would make this recipe again

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Preparation : 20 min Cooking : 20 min
360 calories/serving


260 g canned crab, or imitation crab
2 tbsp capers, finely chopped 20 g
2 tbsp chives, fresh, finely chopped 6 g
1 stalk celery, finely chopped 70 g
4 sole fillets, haddock, or pangasius 600 g
2 tbsp Italian parsley, fresh, finely chopped 10 g
4 tsp mayonnaise 18 g
2 tsp Dijon mustard 10 g
2 tbsp flaked almonds [optional] 8 g
1 pinch salt [optional] 0.2 g
ground pepper to taste [optional]
1/4 cup lime juice, freshly squeezed 2 limes
1/4 cup water 65 mL
1/2 cup cream 15% 125 mL
1/4 cup butter, unsalted, cold 55 g

Before you start

Keep the serving plates warm on the stove while you're preparing the dish.


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C/350°F.
  2. Drain the crab meat, chop it finely and transfer it to a bowl. Finely chop the chives, celery, and capers, then add them to the bowl and toss well. Lay the sole fillet(s) flat, skin side up (light grey-coloured) on a working surface. Distribute the stuffing over the widest end of the fillets, roll them up and place them in a buttered ovenproof dish.
  3. Chop the parsley and add it to a small bowl. Add salt and pepper, then incorporate the mayonnaise and mustard. Spread the mixture over the rolled fillet(s). Distribute the butter on top of each fillet, sprinkle with the sliced almonds (optional) and bake in the upper third of the oven for about 20 min. Since the cooking time depends on the thickness of the fillets and the actual temperature of your oven, it is important to check them with a fork to see if they are cooked through.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the lime sauce: pour the lime juice and water into a small saucepan then bring to a boil with stirring, then add the cream and continue cooking until the sauce has reduced to about a half its initial volume. Remove the sauce from the heat and add the cold butter cubes while whisking until the butter has melted. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Place the fillets on the warmed plates, sprinkle with the sauce and serve immediately.


Since the sauce does not reheat well, it should be prepared either just before serving, or kept warm in a bain-marie over very low heat.

Nutrition Facts Table

per 1 serving (280 g)


% Daily Value




19 g

29 %

Saturated 9 g
+ Trans 0.4 g

47 %


170 mg


570 mg

24 %


4 g

1 %


1 g

2 %


1 g

Net Carbs

3 g


43 g

Vitamin A

17 %

Vitamin C

16 %


12 %


9 %


1 serving of this recipe is equivalent to :
Food Group Exchanges
Fruits 0
Vegetables 0
Meat and Alternatives 5
Fats 3 ½

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90 Reviews (85 with rating only) 88% would make this recipe again
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This recipe is in the following categories

Fish | Shellfish | Main courses/Entrées | High Vitamin D | Bake

Top Reviews

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january 09, 2010 | I would make this recipe again

This was really nice, I made a couple modifications - no capers because we don't like them, a couple tblsp of finely chopped onion in place of chives, and no almonds. I put some chopped spinach in with the filling for a little green and a little nutrition. Turned out beautifully. Loved the lime cream sauce. I served this with lemon risotto.

Useful 4
october 20, 2021 | I would make this recipe again

Loved it. We had lots of left-over sauce...maybe I didn't simmer it long enough?

Useful 3
october 20, 2021 | I would make this recipe again

This was delicious! Fit for company and worth the time to make it! I didn't make the lime sauce, but the dish was still very good. However, my kitchen is FULL of dirty dishes.

Useful 2

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